S5 Ep02: Following Your Passions


The word “passion” can be defined as: “an intense desire or enthusiasm for something”. For some people, that might be gardening, for others it might be music, art or a host of other interests or hobbies.

Our guests, Rick Curti and Chris LaRosa have each reached out to Your History Your Story to share how they are each actively pursuing their passions, while inspiring others to do the same.

Rick Curti, who was originally from Southern California, has always had a passion for baseball. Though he admittedly wasn’t very good at playing the game, that never dampened his love of the sport. Now residing in Charlotte, NC, Rick is using his enthusiasm, artistic ability and networking skills to advocate bringing a MLB team to his newly adopted city.

Chris LaRosa, who lives in Southern New Jersey, began to seriously explore his family’s roots several years ago, following the passing of his mother. Genealogy has since become a labor of love, that has led to hours of mystery solving, connecting with relatives and unlocking treasure troves of stories about generations of his family. Chris hopes to expand his passion for genealogy by helping others discover their family roots.

In this episode, “Following Your Passions”, Rick and Chris will each tell their stories, which we know will inspire you to follow YOUR passions too!

Photo(s): Courtesy of Rick Curti / Chris LaRosa

Music: “With Loved Ones” Jay Man


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