S5 Ep05: America Taken Off Guard, Pearl Harbor and September 11th


December 7, 1941 and September 11, 2001 are two dates that will live in infamy. Although 60 years apart, they both represent defining moments in US History.  

Our guests on this episode, Dorinda Nicholson and Lieutenant Colonel Robert Darling, United States Marine Corps (retired), were eyewitnesses (respectively) to the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the response of America’s leadership from within the White House bunker to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. 

Dorinda Nicholson was born in Hawaii to a Hawaiian mother and a Caucasian father from Missouri. On December 7, 1941, Dorinda, whose family lived near the tip of the Pearl City Peninsula, was six years old when she witnessed the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Imperial Japan. Her home was only a few hundred yards from the USS Utah, the first ship to be attacked on that fateful day.  After fleeing  their home to take refuge in a sugar cane field, she and her family had a panoramic view of the attacks on the entire American fleet. 

Dorinda, who went on to become a mental health professional, is a sought after speaker and author of books such as “Pearl Harbor Child” and “Pearl Harbor Warriors”. One of Dorinda’s passions is to bring awareness to the suffering of civilian populations, particularly children during times of war.  

As an officer in the USMC, Robert Darling piloted Cobra attack helicopters during Desert Shield and Desert Storm during the 1st Gulf War and in Somalia, Africa in support of Operation Restore Hope. He was later selected to fly as a Presidential pilot with Marine Helicopter Squadron 1  and in the year 2000, he was chosen to work for The White House Military Office, Airlift Operations Department. 

While serving in that capacity on 9/11/2001, during the terrorist attacks on America, Darling responded to the underground White House bunker, known as the President’s Emergency Operations Center. From that location, he directly supported the Vice-President and the National Security Adviser during the critical moments of that day. 

Lieutenant Colonel Robert Darling retired from the USMC in 2007 after 20 years of service. He is now a professional speaker in crisis leadership and decision making and is the author of “24 Hours Inside the President’s Bunker, 9/11/01 The White House” 

In this episode of Your History Your Story, Dorinda and Robert will recount their experiences on those two historic days in American history and will tell how those events have impacted their lives. They will also share their thoughts on what we, as a country, can learn about leadership in crisis, war, and its’ impact on human lives. 

Photo(s): Courtesy of Dorinda Nicholson and Robert Darling

Music: "With Loved Ones" Jay Man


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