S5 Ep08: Love Shines through the Clouds of Covid


In early 2021, life was really good for Brian and Dorothy Bayford. Married for over 20 years, they had a blended family of eight children, three of which they adopted together and they also had many grandchildren. Dorothy was very active at her church and in her community and together with Brian had recently launched a new business. 

Later in 2021 life changed for the Bayford’s when both Brian and Dorothy contracted Covid. Brian recovered from the illness, but Dorothy’s health declined and she was eventually hospitalized due to severe problems breathing.

Because Dorothy was loved by so many friends and family, Brian found it difficult to keep up with all the calls and messages from those people seeking updates on Dorothy’s condition. It was then that Brian decided to begin posting daily video messages on Facebook, many from Dorothy’s hospital room to keep everybody updated.

Sadly, after a courageous struggle of ten weeks, Dorothy succumbed to her illness.  On the day Dorothy passed, Brian’s post was titled “My bride, my best friend, my world”. 

In this episode of Your History Your Story, we will be speaking with Brian Bayford about his wife Dorothy and her fervent love of God, family and country. He will also tell how, in addition to updating friends and loved ones, his posts helped him express the deep love he had for his wife. As Brian seeks to carry on his wife’s legacy, he draws strength from his faith & family and is determined to encourage others to show love to one another each and every day! 

Photo(s) Courtesy of: Brian Bayford

Music: "With Loved Ones" Jay Man


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