S6 Ep02: “Damn Lucky” A B-17 Bomber Pilot’s Story


On December 7, 1941, nineteen year old college freshman, John Luckadoo was chauffeuring  around a group of local kids in a Buick he had borrowed from a neighbor in his hometown of Chattanooga, Tennessee. John was not able to use his father’s car, because his father didn’t yet trust him behind the wheel!

Suddenly, while listening to the car radio, a newsman interrupted the program to announce that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. John was well aware that a war had been raging in Europe for over two years, however, even though he had never heard of Pearl Harbor, he knew that the United States was about to enter the war and his life was about to change significantly.

Less than two years later, John would be  piloting B-17 Bombers over enemy occupied Europe. Between June & October of 1943,John, who would earn the nickname “Lucky”, would fly 25 missions as part of the 8th Air Force’s 100th Bomb Group, known as “The Bloody Hundreth”, due to the heavy losses it sustained.

In this episode of Your History Your Story, we will be speaking with 100 year old, John “Lucky” Luckadoo along with award winning journalist and NY Times bestselling author, Kevin Maurer.  

Kevin’s latest book, “Damn Lucky, One Man’s Courage During the Bloodiest Military Campaign in Aviation History” tells the story of John Luckadoo.

Lucky will share his thoughts and experiences from his life and combat service. He and Kevin will also talk about the strong friendship they developed while Kevin researched and wrote the book, Damn Lucky.

Photo(s): Courtesy of St. Martin's Press / Kevin Maurer / John Luckadoo

Music: "With Loved Ones" Jay Man 

Kevin Maurer: www.kevinmaurer.net 

John Luckadoo www.100thbg.com  and www.homefrontheroesday.com 

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Show Notes:

5min - Lucky & Kevin get to know each other; COVID & phone calls to collaborate; reliving war experiences; finally meeting in person

16min - Storytelling, the most precious resource; Dallas/Washington; "Damn Lucky" book; Best friend, Sully; Pearl Harbor attacked

25min - Army Air Corp, 100th Bomb Group, assimilating with crew; B17 Bomber; the "4 F's" enemies - Frostbite, Fear, Flack & Freezing

40min - K. Maurer's writing style, mission over Bremen, harrowing experience; Element leader, 95th BG, New Operations Officer

49min - Lucky's last mission; Kevin Maurer's thoughts, James' personal connection to London, Losing Sully, Going Home

1hr 01min - Lucky meeting his wife, Barbara (Bobby), married for 71 years; Home Front Heroes Day Foundation


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S6 Ep01: July 1916: A Creek, A Shark and A Hero