S6 Ep07: The Bowery Mission


It may come as a shock to many, that for every 106 people in New York City, 1 is homeless. Thankfully, The Bowery Mission which has been in existence since the 1870’s continues to serve the hungry and homeless in New York, providing critical services to meet their needs and help transform their lives.

In the year, 2021, in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic, The Bowery Mission provided 255,000 meals, 54,000 nights of shelter, 30,000 emergency showers and 20,000 articles of clothing to New Yorkers experiencing homelessness, hunger and other crises.

In this episode of Your History Your Story, we will be speaking with James Winans, President and CEO of The Bowery Mission. James will tell the powerful story of The Bowery Mission and the work it has been doing for over 150 years to remain a place where help and hope is delivered and trust is built.

Photo(s): Courtesy of The Bowery Mission and Your History Your Story Podcast

Music: "With Loved Ones" Jay Man

The Bowery Mission website: https://www.bowery.org 

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The Bowery - Time Stamps

2:45 Stats on homelessness in NYC, Mission of The Bowery Mission, Red Doors @ 227 Bowery

8:30 Graduates of the Bowery programs / alumni gatherings

11:30 Life on the streets vs feeling safe at The Bowery Mission, reasons for homelessness

16:00 Helping w/ resumes, interviewing skills, spiritual focus. Chapel operating since 1909

17:45 James Winans story and Bowery Mission supporters

23:00 The pandemic begins, Bowery Mission stays open feeding 2x's the amount of people than usual.

34:15 History of The Bowery Mission, persevering through the years, Locations of The Bowery Mission sites and Mont Lawn Camp for kids

45:40 Biggest challenges today for The Bowery Mission and partnering with The Bowery Mission

48:30 Reported asks guest about the Corona Virus story  

S6 Ep07: The Bowery Mission

S6 Ep08: “Hello Darkness, My Old Friend”


S6 Ep06: Betsy Ross and the Making of America